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EIC =  Exercise Induced Collapse

EIC is a common cause of exercise intolerance and subsequent collapse in what appears to be a healthy adult Labrador Retriever. Dogs with EIC are normal at rest and able to tolerate mild to moderate exercise but occasionally become in coordinated and collapse after 5 to 15 minutes of strenuous exercise. The syndrome of exercise intolerance and collapse (EIC) is being observed with increasing frequency in young adult Labrador Retrievers. Most, but not all, affected dogs have been from field-trial breedings.

Thirty percent of all  tested Labrador Retrievers carry the EIC gene. This is not a problem unless a breeder unknowingly breeds one carrier to another carrier and ends up with affected Labrador Retriever puppies. It can take up to 5 years for symptoms to appear, so it is important that breeders test for this gene. It is also important for buyers to educate themselves and learn about this debilitating problem. Ask your breeder if their dogs have been tested and find a breeder who has done so to prevent problems later on in your dog's life.

For a general overview of EIC, please download this EIC Brochure PDF. For EIC information go to the EIC Testing web site.

Both Nina and Goldie tested as non-affected.  (It takes 2 copies of the gene to affect a dog ). Being a carrier is NOT a problem unless you breed to another carrier. The 2 stud dogs, Buddy and Charlie tested clear.

Every dog inherits 2 copies of every gene - one from its dam and one from its sire. EIC is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, which means that all affected dogs (those showing signs of collapse) have 2 copies of the mutated gene - one that they got from their dam and one from their sire.

Clear dogs: These dogs have no copies of the gene, and do not have EIC, nor will they show signs of collapse. If bred, they will not pass a copy of the EIC mutation on to any of their puppies.

Carriers: Have one copy of the mutated gene that they got from either their dam or their sire and they have one normal copy of the gene that they got from the other parent. These dogs do not have EIC and will not show signs of collapse. They will, however, pass their copy of the mutated gene on to approximately half of their puppies.

Affected dogs: have 2 copies of the mutation, one of which came from each parent. Dogs with 2 copies of the mutated gene (affected dogs) have EIC and most will show occasional signs of exercise intolerance or collapse when participating in trigger activities with a very high level of excitement or stress. Some affected dogs will never exhibit signs of EIC - this could be because they do not participate in high excitement strenuous activities or because they have a laid-back temperament. Affected dogs can tolerate mild to moderate exercise, but 5 to 20 minutes of strenuous exercise with excitement induces weakness and then collapse. Severely affected dogs may collapse whenever they are exercised to this extent - other dogs only exhibit collapse sporadically and all of the factors important in inducing an episode have not yet been well established.

A rocking or forced gait is usually the first sign of an oncoming collapse. Many affected dogs will continue to run while dragging their back legs. it is as if the back legs can't hold up your dog's weight. You may just think your Lab is uncoordinated, especially in the hind end. In some dogs the rear limb collapse progresses to forelimb weakness and occasionally to a total inability to move. Complete collapse can occur and your dog may even appear stunned or disoriented. The symptoms can continue to worsen even after exercise is stopped. A few affected dogs have died during exercise or while resting immediately after a collapse of exercise-induced collapse so an affected dog's exercise should ALWAYS be stopped at the first hint of an EIC attack.

Most dogs recover quickly and are usually normal within 5 to 25 minutes with no residual weakness or stiffness. Dogs are not painful during the collapse or after recovery. Massage of the muscles or palpation of the joints or spine is not uncomfortable. Affected dogs are not stiff or sore or limping upon recovery. Body temperature is normal at rest in dogs with EIC but almost always dramatically increases at the time of collapse.



About exercise-induced collapse (EIC)
A syndrome of exercise intolerance and exercise induced collapse (EIC) is being observed with increasing frequency in young adult Labrador retrievers. It has also been observed in Chesapeake Bay retrievers and curly-coated retrievers. Affected dogs have been found in field-trial, hunt test, conformation, pet, and service lines. Black, yellow, and chocolate Labradors of both sexes are affected, with the distribution of colors and sexes closely reflecting the typical distribution in the population. Signs first become apparent in young dogs, usually between 5 months and 3 years of age (averaging 14 months). In dogs used for field trials, this usually coincides with the age at which they enter heavy training. Littermates and other related dogs are commonly affected, but depending on their temperament and lifestyle, they may or may not manifest signs. Affected dogs exhibiting signs of collapse are usually described as being extremely fit, muscular, prime athletic specimens of their breed with an excitable temperament and lots of drive.

Description of exercise-induced collapse
Affected dogs can tolerate mild to moderate exercise, but 5 to 20 minutes of strenuous exercise with extreme excitement induces weakness and then collapse. Severely affected dogs may collapse whenever they are exercised to this extent; other dogs only exhibit collapse sporadically. The factors important in inducing an episode can vary among dogs. The first thing noted is usually a rocking or forced gait. The rear limbs then become weak and unable to support weight. Many affected dogs continue to run while dragging their back legs. Some of the dogs appear to be incoordinated, especially in the rear limbs, with a wide-based, long, loose stride rather than the short, stiff strides typically associated with muscle weakness. In some dogs, the rear limb collapse progresses to forelimb weakness and occasionally to a total inability to move. Some dogs appear to have a loss of balance and may fall over, particularly as they recover from complete collapse. Most collapsed dogs are totally conscious and alert, still trying to run
and retrieve, but affected dogs can appear stunned or disoriented during the episode. It is common for the signs to worsen for three to five minutes even after exercise has been terminated. Most dogs recover quickly and are normal within 5 to 25 minutes with no residual weakness or stiffness. Dogs are not in pain during the collapse or after recovery. Affected dogs are not stiff or sore or limping upon recovery.

Note: A few affected dogs have died during exercise or while resting immediately after an episode of EIC, so an affected dog's exercise should always be stopped at the first hint of incoordination or

Factors contributing to collapse in dogs with EIC
Ambient temperature
The ambient temperature does not seem to be a critical factor contributing to collapse, but if the temperature is much warmer or the humidity is much higher than the dog is accustomed to, collapse may be
more likely. Affected dogs are less likely to collapse while swimming than when being exercised on land. There are severely affected dogs, however, who have exhibited collapse while breaking ice retrieving
waterfowl in frigid temperatures, and some dogs have drowned when experiencing EIC-related collapse in the water.
Dogs that exhibit signs of EIC are most likely to have intense, excitable personalities, and it is very apparent that their level of excitement plays a role in inducing the collapse. There are some severely affected dogs who require very little exercise to induce the collapse. Dogs with EIC are most likely to collapse when engaging in activities that they find very exciting or stressful. This can include retrieving of live birds,
participation in field trials, training drills with electric collar pressure, and quartering for upland game.
Type of exercise
Routine exercise like jogging, hiking, swimming, most waterfowl hunting, and even agility or fly ball training may not induce an episode in dogs with EIC. Activities with continuous, intense exercise, particularly
if accompanied by a high level of excitement or anxiety, most commonly cause collapse. Activities commonly implicated include grouse or pheasant hunting, repetitive "happy retrieves," retrieving drills or repetition of diffi cult marks or blinds where the dog is being repeatedly corrected or is anticipating electric collar correction, and running alongside an ATV.

Understanding test results
The inheritance of EIC

EIC is an autosomal recessive syndrome. To be affected, a dog must have received the mutated version of the EIC gene from both parents.
A dog that has two copies of the normal version of the EIC gene. Clear dogs will pass on the normal version of the gene to all of their offspring.

A dog that has one copy of the normal EIC gene and one copy of the mutated EIC gene. Carrier dogs do not show signs of EIC. On average, carrier dogs will pass on the mutated copy of the EIC gene to half of their offspring. By mating a carrier dog to a clear dog, you will, on average, produce litters that are 50 percent clear and 50 percent carriers, with no affected.

A dog that has two copies of the mutated EIC gene. These dogs are susceptible to collapse episodes under their “trigger” conditions. An affected dog will pass on the mutated EIC gene to all of its offspring. By mating an affected dog to a clear dog, you will produce a litter that is made up of 100 percent carrier offspring ― no clears, but also no affected.
Implications of the EIC Mutation for Breeding:



Click here to see the results of Nina's EIC results

Click here to see the results of Godie's EIC results


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