Boy 3

15 weeks, 40.2 lbs

Green Camo Collar



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I don't think he got enough sleep last night... he kept on yawning!

December 17, 2009 and this is one big pup!


"Do you think they are feeding me enough while I am here?" Merry Christmas!

                                        January 5. This boy is Gigantic! 14 lbs and 6 oz at 6 weeks. WOW!               



The following pictures were sent to me from his new owner. At 14 weeks, he weighed in at 35 pounds!

Bones of substance!


Hi Beth,

Thank you for sharing your picture with us.  Your pup is beautiful!
5/4/10 It's interesting that you write to us now.  Falkor has been a wonderful addition to our home; however, despite being thoroughly vaccinated at our family vet, this past Friday he came down with parvovirus.  Upon coming home from work Friday evening, I noticed that he was very lethargic, had uncontrollable stomach noises and constant drool.  Without hesitation, I contacted our vet, and Juli and I took him in. Our vet said it was peculiar, but he had all the signs for parvo.  She tested him, and sure enough the test was positive.  That being said, we left him at the vet over the weekend, and just today our vet said that he needed to be picked up and taken to a 24 hour emergency animal clinic.  He's now in good hands at the clinic, under 24-hour care, and we will be notified twice daily as to his condition.  Our prayers are for a safe and healthy recovery.  We're keeping our heads up during this tough time. 
On a lighter note, attached is a shot from about two weeks ago when we took Falkor over to our friends house to teach him how to swim. =)

We'll keep you posted on his condition.

Mike & Juli

5/5/10 Well, remember one of the last emails that we shared a few months back I mentioned how hyper and rambunctious he was?  We had him neutered about three weeks ago, and it was like an instant change.  He is a super-sweet dog and always ready to play.  He knows all of the basic commands, and understands "No" when it comes to chewing on anything other than his toys in the house.  As of Friday, when we brought him to our vet and before he lost some weight, he weighed in at 62 lbs.  Juli hasn't been able to pick him up for some time now! =)   We take him hiking a couple times per week and for walks throughout the neighborhood.  He also likes to go to our next-door neighbors' house where they have three dogs to play.  Well, that's about it for now.  I'll keep you posted as to how he turns out.


Thanks for getting back to us.  Basically, what you said about the new strain of parvo virus is what I also learned through my own research.  We may never know whether Falkor's illness was due to a new strain or that the drug company's vaccine didn't work.  During the entire rigamaroll, our vet even suggested that it was possible the vaccine was good but the puppy's immune system was faulty.  I didn't buy it then, and I don't buy it now.  Needless to say, it was a good thing that our vet had us take Falkor to the 24 hour hospital.  Now, we will more than likely continue to take him there instead of our vet.  The truth is, they didn't mention anything about immune boosting supplements.  They just had us feed him this special wet dog food and boiled chicken and white rice until he got better.  Then we moved him back to his dry food.  My personal recommendations to you after having gone through this entire experience is to strongly mention to your future pup buyers that no matter whether or not he's vaccinated, he can still contract parvo.  It is super important to scoop the poop in your backyard to keep it away from flies and birds, and be sure not to go to dog parks while he's young.  It might even behoove people to question their vet regarding any new strains of the virus, and to do what we did and make certain (i.e. get confirmation) from their vet that if they go through the puppy plan there and the dog still gets parvo, the drug compasny agrees to pay all charges and bills.  Other than that, all they can do is keep him healthy and watch him to see if they notice any peculiar changes in his behavior and health.

Oh and yes, the drug company did pick up the bill, at least the portion for the first period of time the pup was in the hospital.  Once they discharged him, he came home and got sick again, then the next portion of the expenses was on us.  Heads up for you and future people that you do business with.  The drug company paid $4,600, and we paid $3,200.  That's $7,800.  Nearly $8k!  Parvo's no joke.

Dandy is beautiful, and it's good to see Goldie again. Dandy and Falkor really do resemble each other!  Maybe they can meet and play some day.



Hi Beth!

Juli and I hope that everything is going well with you and your family as we approach the Christmas season.
We also wanted to share with you some photos taken of Falkor around his first birthday, so you can see how he looks and how he has recovered from the parvovirus back in April/May.  Weighing in at a whopping 100.5 lbs, Falkor is a happy one year-old doggy.

Attached are a handful of pictures.

Take care,
Mike & Juli Hughes




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