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Exodus 3:14
Child, do you not see that I
AM? That I AM all knowledge? That
I AM all powerful? That I AM
everywhere present? That nothing
can hinder or change what I have
planned? For I AM the Almighty One,
there is nothing too difficult for
O my beloved, everything is
under my feet. I AM the King of
Kings and the Lord of Lords. I AM
the Way, the Truth and the Life. I
AM everything you need, and you are
precious to me. I hide you in the
shadow of my wings.
child, I know you and I love you and
I show you great and awesome
things. I show you my majesty and
splendor. I show you my power and
my might. I show you my love and
compassion. I show you my great
plan and your part in it. O loved
one, I AM.
Yes, we have a mini-addiction. Hey, it's better
than a mega-addiction; "those" folks are really messed up