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I AM Ranch

We are passionate about producing athletic miniature horses whose trot and athleticism is breathtaking and whose abilities can rival their larger relatives! Please browse through our pages where you will find videos of every horse at our ranch. Videos count when breeding DRIVING horses.

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Exodus 3:14
    Child, do you not see that I AM?  That I AM all knowledge?  That I AM all powerful?  That I AM everywhere present?  That nothing can hinder or change what I have planned?  For I AM the Almighty One, there is nothing too difficult for me.
    O my beloved, everything is under my feet.  I AM the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.  I AM everything you need, and you are precious to me.  I hide you in the shadow of my wings.
    My child, I know you and I love you and I show you great and awesome things.  I show you my majesty and splendor.  I show you my power and my might.  I show you my love and compassion.  I show you my great plan and your part in it.  O loved one, I AM.

Yes, we have a mini-addiction. Hey, it's better than a mega-addiction; "those" folks are really messed up Smile emoticon