Miniature Horse Cone Rules

Thank you Eileen Davis of Davis Ranch

Penalties for driving your mini in a Marathon

Penalties for driving your horse/pony in a VSE


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Starting or passing through an obstacle before bell is run 10 penalties
Failing to start within 60 seconds of bell 5 penalties
Failing to pass through start or finish lines Elimination
Incomplete presentation (reflectors, lamps) 5 penalties
Competitor entering without hat, jacket, gloves, or apron 5 penalties
Groom entering without jacket, hat or gloves 5 penalties
Driving without a whip 5 penalties
Driver crossing finish line without whip in hand 5 penalties
Passing through any number of obstacle without whip in hand 5 penalties
Dislodging one or two balls in the same single obstacle 3 penalties
Knocking down an element of a multiple obstacle 3 penalties
Knocking down any part of any obstacle after it has already been driven 3 penalties
Any part of an obstacle in advance of the one being driven is knocked down, the bell will be rung for the obstacle to be rebuilt. 3 penalties add 10 seconds
Taking an obstacle out of sequence Elimination
Causing an obstacle or part of a multiple to be rebuilt 3 penalties add 10 seconds

First occurrence

Second occurrence

Third occurrence


5 penalties

10 penalties


Driver dismounting 20 penalties
Groom dismounting

First occurrence

Second occurrence

Third occurrence


5 penalties

10 penalties


Groom interference with reins, brake, whip 20 penalties
Groom doesn't stay seated Elimination
Groom talks to driver Elimination
Groom indicates the course to the driver Elimination
Illegal outside assistance Elimination
Vehicle overturning Elimination
Exceeding the time allowed .5 penalties per second
Exceeding the time limit Elimination
Failure to halt after the bell is rung a second time Elimination


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